This course is for parents and teachers who want to understand why their children behave as they do and to get happy children, better behaviour and improved academic results while having less stress and more time in their own lives

The Keys To Understanding Your Child

For parents and teachers who want to understand what drives their child’s behaviour while building strategies for better outcome. To communicate more effectively and build better relationships, both at home and school

Course Description

I've designed this course for both parents and teachers.

It looks at the top 3 personality traits that can help you identify the main causes of major issues that affect children. It is reported that 10% of children start their school life with learning difficulties.

While raising 3 primary school age sons on my own and being closely involved in their education, I found that far too many children are misdiagnosed and that the problem is not a learning problem, but a communication problem.

A child will quickly detach when this misdiagnosis happens or when adults don’t communicate with them in the way they need. This can result permanent relationship damage, communications break down, emotional pain and a feeling of helplessness. This course was designed to break that cycle; to assist in improving well being for you and your child's relationship.

There are 3 major sections:

First: Introduction to understanding more about your child. Identify the main causes of major issues for a child in today’s schooling system. See how our natural traits and features can help you work with your child.

Then: Learn about the 3 traits that affects your child most. Learn what can impact dramatically on the behaviour and outcomes our child's experience. See how each trait impacts on the other.

Finally: Putting it all together with the whole family. Understand how you can build better relationships dependant on the combination of the traits. See how they moderate or enhance particular good and unwanted behaviours.

Course curriculum

01 Introduction

Introduction - The Keys To Understanding Your Child

The Keys To Understanding Your Child - Printable Guide

Introduction Video

02 What Is Your Child's Thinking Styles

Recognising Thinking Styles

How To Measure Thinking Styles

03 How Tolerant Is Your Child To Interruptions

Reading Tolerance Levels

How To Measure Tolerance

04 How Much Is Your Child Likely To Fidget

How quickly will they fidget

How To Measure Body Balance

05 Putting It All Together

Putting It All Together

Your Instructor's Bio:


Alan Stevens is an International Profiling and Communi9cations Specialist.

He is regularly featured on National TV, Radio and in the World's Press, profiling the likes of our leading politicians, TV and sports stars as well as Britain's Royalty.

He is an Amazon #1 Best Selling Author, a Coach and Trainer. He's been referred to as the leading authority on reading people, globally by the UK Guardian and the mentalist meets Dr Phil by the Herald.

Alan help people make sense of their life and their relationships; helping them enhance their relationships through meaningful communications.

He works with Businesses, Health Professionals, Teachers, Coaches and Parents, all with a unique form of Rapid Trait Profiling.

These advanced Personality and Character Assessments utilising Interdependent Visual Profiling to enhance communication skills in the workplace, in business and the home, as well as negotiation skills to boost sales and reduce workplace conflicts.

With international clients, the likes of Disney Films and Gillette, high profile organisations like the Austrilian Federal Police, and the number of personal profiles running into the thousands, Alan's services are unique and unrivalled in the field of reading people.

Alan Steven

International Profiling and Communications Specialist

Public endorsements


“The course has provided some really valuable insights into understanding my nearly-7-year-old step-son.

I can see how my partner and I can more clearly communicate with him in a way that will allow him to feel supported and able to play to his natural strengths. This will no doubt allow him to approach situations with more confidence and greater self-acceptance.

I highly recommend this course to any parent looking to develop a stronger relationship with their child and practical ways to support them in their development.”

Keynote Presenter and author of 'How to put the balance in your business'

Nicole Davidson

“Truly Outstanding! A must have tool for parents but not only for them!

Being a profiler myself and a parent too I can easily see how much anyone can benefit from taking this course.

Besides being a good friend, Alan is also a great profiler with a lot of experience when it comes to parenting, business, personal development etc. and I believe that anyone can benefit from it.”


Alexandru Bocunescu

From those who have completed the course



Jacqui Bloom

"Thanks so much for the opportunity to complete the course. Thanks also for sharing your insightful and priceless wisdom, I can now certainly see my 12 year old child and 14 year old with very different lenses and I can't wait to put this all into practice. The boys also enjoyed being profiled and thought it was a great since experiment! Very grateful and I'd highly recommend this course to all parents."


Ann Tomlinson

"In all honestly I will have to redo the course because I was slightly mesmerised by how pattern recognition can change the way I communicate with my 4 year old daughter. We have a very strong bond and I absolutely love spending time with her. There are times though, where I lose my cool and I end up making idle threats. The problem is that she now starting to outsmart me. On a personal note, I never had a relationship with my parents (or siblings) when I grew up and even now, I tend to stick to myself. This not the kind of relation I want for Willow and I. The flipside to this is,, I probably allow more than I should to slide. Being able to recognise some of the patterns will hopefully put me back in the driving seat. Ps: I will set up a time to discuss opportunities to talk to our cadets soon!"


Belle Donaghey

"Who would have thought that their physical attributes would be such an accurate way of determining the way they think and communicate? This has been a fascinating insight into the learning and communication styles of our kids and how to overcome hurdles specific to their styles. This course should be done with every student studying to be a school teacher, existing teacher, as well as parents of young children through the Maternal Health Nurse programs or similar programs."


Nicole Davidson

"The course has provided some really valuable insights into understanding my nearly-7-year-old step-son. I can see how my partner and I can more clearly communicate with him in a way that will allow him to feel supported and able to play to his natural strengths. This will no doubt allow him to approach situations with more confidence and greater self-acceptance. I highly recommend this course to any parent looking to develop a stronger relationship with their child and practical ways to support then in their development."


Steven Tully

"Enjoyed the course. It was extremely insightful in an area (profiling) I know very little about. Look forward to using the information gained with our 3 and a half year old Son and will no doubt share how we do."


Melanie Albert

"Thanks so much, Alan. I have run through this course twice now and find it easier to put into practice. Each time I gain more insight into my four year old nephew, as well as friends and family. It's helping me to be a better Auntie, which helps my little nephew to understand her own behavior better. I'm so happy and appreciative to have access to your online training. Many thanks, Melanie."


© Copyright The Science and Art of Reading People 2021