Whether you want to find a new partner or improve the relationship with the one you already have, this course is for you. The skills you learn here are universal and can be used in every area of your life

Smart Personal Relationships

If you are tired of looking for love in all the wrong faces, then this course is for you.

Course Description

How often have you gone on and first date with high expectations only to be let down because they aren’t who they seem to be. OR been putting off connecting with someone because they didn’t know how to best present themselves and when you finally do meet, they are just what you are looking for.

This online course is designed to help you navigate through the uncertainty and workout who people really are.

Short cut wasting time and fast track finding Mr or Miss right..

This course is about How to know if they are telling you the truth and a shortcut to Finding and Keeping the Right Partner Whether you want to find a new partner or improve the relationship with the one you already have, this course is for you. Some of my students have referred to this course as “Online Dating For Business”. The skills you learn here are universal and can be used in every aspect of your life.

In just 5 simple online modules, it will take you 45 minutes to go through 8 key traits that will give you an insight into whether what they have written or said about themselves matches what their face is telling you.

I'll show you what to look for and how:

• they will affect the person’s behaviour

• they react under stress

• what traits to look for in a partner better suited to you

Train at your own pace in your own time and by the end of the course, you’ll be better equipped to tell if they are telling you the truth. And you'll have a better understanding of your own traits and know how other people see you. You’ll have a far better idea if they are a good fit or a no fit.

In 6 short, easy to digest modules, you'll be far better equipped to find the partner of your dreams.

This course will save you from spending endless hours over countless cups of coffee talking to the wrong people and it will help to keep you safe from the wrong people

Course curriculum

01 Introduction

Rules of Engagement

How to get the best out of this course

02 Module 1

Cheet Sheet and Questionnaire - Module 1

Eyes - the Windows to the Soul

03 Module 2

Cheet Sheet and Questionnaire - Module 2

Easy Going or a Determined Focus

04 Module 3

Cheet Sheet and Questionnaire - Module 3

A Home Life or a Work life

05 Module 4

Cheet Sheet and Questionnaire - Module 4

A Drama Queen or Reserved and Withdrawn

06 Module 5

Cheet Sheet and Questionnaire - Module 5

Quick To Action or caught up in Thought

06 What Next?

Where to from here?

Your Instructor's Bio:


Alan Stevens is an International Profiling and Communi9cations Specialist.

He is regularly featured on National TV, Radio and in the World's Press, profiling the likes of our leading politicians, TV and sports stars as well as Britain's Royalty.

He is an Amazon #1 Best Selling Author, a Coach and Trainer. He's been referred to as the leading authority on reading people, globally by the UK Guardian and the mentalist meets Dr Phil by the Herald.

Alan help people make sense of their life and their relationships; helping them enhance their relationships through meaningful communications.

He works with Businesses, Health Professionals, Teachers, Coaches and Parents, all with a unique form of Rapid Trait Profiling.

These advanced Personality and Character Assessments utilising Interdependent Visual Profiling to enhance communication skills in the workplace, in business and the home, as well as negotiation skills to boost sales and reduce workplace conflicts.

With international clients, the likes of Disney Films and Gillette, high profile organisations like the Austrilian Federal Police, and the number of personal profiles running into the thousands, Alan's services are unique and unrivalled in the field of reading people.

Alan Steven

International Profiling and Communications Specialist


Client Endorsements


“I love this course. Not only did I find that it helped me to communicate better with my husband, it helped me to understand my 2-year-old son better and we are no longer butting heads. The communication between us has really improved because I now know how to approach them better. Understanding the different thought patterns and our different personalities is fantastic. Whether you're single or in a relationship, know where your partner is coming from and how to speak to them will change your lives.”

Practical Manager at the Referral Marketing Guru

Kellie Williams

From those who have completed the course



Elena and Trevor Long

" What if you could predict the main challenges with a potential new partner? Knowing how to read facial features is a great tool when you are planning to get into a new relationship. The "Smart Dating" course will equip you with some very useful knowledge and understanding of human personality traits. "


Aaron Elliot

" Alan some wonderful tools here to help me understand my clients better and teach them to be better understand themselves and others. Simply explain and easily accessible in everyone, in almost any scenario Thanks again and looking forward to more of your great content. "


Deanne Hobday

" I am not doing any online dating, however this course was so informative for me in business, parenting and in life. I have just finished the course and I am excited to go out in the world and profile. Thank you Alan! "


Clyde Gonsalvez

" Great course. Love that you can do it in your own time. Very informative. Easy to understand and implement straight away. If you want to learn about peoples traits and how to relate to others, then this course is for you! "


Sylvia Polite

" Alan, your communication and profiling courses are exceptional. Thank you for all the hard work and research that you do to educate people on communication and profiling. I appreciate you greatly. "


Michelle Sullivan

" A handy guide for anyone who wishes to use dating websites, not so you can avoid people, but discover what traits they may have based on facial features so you can understand their behavior. This course is to the point with practical applications... "


Micheal Griffiths

" People are amazing in one way or another and Alan has ensured that we can work that out before their true personality is shown. No matter whether your are looking for love, looking to strengthen your current relationships or are just around a lot of people everyday, this is a brilliant course to do. It is quick, easy to follow, practical to use and I found myself stopping and going to look in the mirror to practice learning the traits immediately. This is useful for every person no matter what their relationship status is. "


Steve Brossman

" After doing the course then putting it into practice I can really see it making a difference in such a short time. This is a must for anyone dealing with people not just dating online. Alan does a great job on explaining it in an easy to understand and implement way. "


James Short

" I attend this course from a colleagues recommendation to relate it to business relationships. It has certainly given me more tools to connect better in a business environment and definitely see how it can also help in my family relationship. Highly recommended... Thank you"


Melina Macdonald

" As an educator in the Dating field I was able to navigate people a lot faster and with greater accuracy after this short course. It helped me to identify best ways to approach someone or whether to avoid them all together. I enjoyed doing my own assessment on 3 men as soon as I was finished and you know what...its as accurate! Great course! "


Kellie Williams

" Fantastic! Love the course... Great for understanding the people around you, looking forward to learning more! I found myself looking in the mirror and my families photos as I went through the course. Thanks Alan. "


Samantha Riley

" This is an excellent course, not just for the online Dating scene, but for all area's of your life. The information is delivered in bite-sized pieces, so it's easy to consume and understand. I thoroughly recommend this for anyone who wants to create deeper relationships by understanding people's motivators. "


© Copyright The Science and Art of Reading People 2021