How to Persuade and Influence Behaviours of Others

Free Course

In this short course you will learn what Face Profiling is and how it can help you in your relationships in :

* your personal life

* building your business

* sales and negotiations

You will learn valuable tips that you can use immediately


01 What Is Face Profiling

Introduction on How to Persuade and Influence the Behaviour of Others

What is Facial Profiling

How does reading facial features help you to read someone

Facial Features reveal Communication Style

You make connections when you speak in the way the other person wants to be spoken to

02 How Can This Work For You?

The Secret of Customer Conversion

Finding the Secret to Unlocking the Purse

Contract Negotiations

How others have used these skills

Finding Your Love Connection

Your next step to Finding your Love Connection

Helping Your Child to Grow & Develop

How others have helped their children and how you can do the same

03 Skills you can put into practice immediately

How much Space does a Person Need

How Tolerant are You

How much information is needed to make a decision

The Next Steps

Client Endorsements

What Our Clients Think


Kristopher Meuwissen

"I never knew eyes could say so much!... Part 3 was an absolute winner for me. Great information and profiling that you can use (even on Zoom)."


Sarah Browett

"Total gamechanger! Simple tips to effectively understand/communicate... Wow! I absolutely love learning some simple quick tips to understand how to communicate effectively and understand others better. I've been coaching for years and these tips are sooooo cool to know."


Kathy Rimmer

"Powerful learning with 3 traits you can immediately apply... The knowledge that you're learning in this FREE course can be implemented immediately in all areas of life, from relationship, the workplace and even parenting. You will quickly discover if you want to learn more along with which area you wish to focus on. Thank you for creating such a good overview when I know there is so much more to be learnt and applied."


Karen Hillen

"This course on how to persuade and influence behaviours of others is really valuable. It gives a great overview of how to do a quick read of someone so you can communicate effectively with them. I found the video explanations really easy to follow and the videos made it really simple to understand what to look for."


Marisa Punshon

"I have a new inner power! ...Alan certainly delivers over and above in this course! I have learnt some simple strategies that make a significant difference to how I now communicate with not only my clients but also my family, friends and colleagues. I feel like I have a new inner power!"


Russell Reeves

"Who doesn't want to achieve this... The short course gave information to be able to understand how people tick. As a counsellor, it can help me to direct my attention to their needs. Also with business clients, I can help them to customise their approach for their clients. These course are winners. Thanks Alan."


Gayle McKew

"Eye opening! Arm with the information Alan provided, it will help me to be better understand other people's communication styles and decision making preferences. Plus analysis of a selfie allow me to be better understand my methods of operation and realise. I'll never look at anyone in the same way again!"


Karen Chaston

"Skill Every Human MUST Know and Practice... Thank you Alan for a very informative, deep dive into Face Profiling. Just from watching the videos, I can put these skill into practice immediately. I'm looking forward to enhancing my communications within all of my relationships, especially to my immediate family. Definitely will look at deep diving into more of the traits, that you teach in your other courses. Thank You Karen Chaston."


braeden osland

"Brilliant Practical Knowledge... Alan is a brilliant teacher capable of explaining sophisticated ideas in easy to digest, actionable and effective examples and videos. Having taking his course on " How to Persuade and Influence Behaviors of Others" I can say that there is substantial knowledge in regards to reading faces that can be learned from Alan and directly applied in all circumstances both in business and personal relationship."


Margie McCumstie

"Thought provoking introduction to profiling! Alan Stevens is very knowledgeable in the field of facial recognition and profiling. This short course was interesting and it was fascinating to consider the roadmap to our lives showing on our faces. "

Achievements of Your Instructors

Your Instructor

Alan Stevens is an International Profiling and Communications Specialist.

He is regularly featured on National TV, Radio and in the World's Press, profiling the likes of our leading politicians, TV and sports stars as well as Britain's Royalty.

He is an Amazon #1 Best Selling Author, a Coach and Trainer. He's been referred to as the leading authority on reading people, globally by the UK Guardian and the mentalist meets Dr Phil by the Herald.

Alan help people make sense of their life and their relationships; helping them enhance their relationships through meaningful communications.

He works with Businesses, Health Professionals, Teachers, Coaches and Parents, all with a unique form of Rapid Trait Profiling.

These advanced Personality and Character Assessments utilising Interdependent Visual Profiling to enhance communication skills in the workplace, in business and the home, as well as negotiation skills to boost sales and reduce workplace conflicts.

With international clients, the likes of Disney Films and Gillette, high profile organisations like the Australian Federal Police, and the number of personal profiles running into the thousands, Alan's services are unique and unrivalled in the field of reading people.

Alan Stevens

International Profiling and Communications Specialist

Recognised Achievements

© Copyright The Science and Art of Reading People 2024