Business Essentials - Fast Start Your Client Engagement

Learn how to Build Instant Rapport so you can win more sales, create greater profits in your business and create better relationships in your private life.

This course is now recognised as a CPD Professional Development course across a range of industries, including Health, Law, Finance and many others. Contact me to find out more

Course Description

If you want to get inside your client's head and truly create powerful communication in your business and relationships, this course is for you.

To influence behaviours or close a sale, you have to first open a relationship. In just a few hours and 10 short modules you will have the skills that will serve you for the rest of your life.

Skills that will show you how your ideal client really feels, how you can increase sales and build how to build memorable long-term relationships, as well as create far greater loyalty and engagement in the workplace. It's a rapid fast start program that gives you essential skills to immediately:

• create faster and deeper communications

• increase client loyalty

• shorten sales cycles

• make greater profits

So, if you’ve ever wanted to:

• recognise your prospects buying motives instantly

• know how they are really feeling

• know how they really see you and use that to your advantage

This course is now recognised as a CPD Professional Development course across a range of industries, including Health, Law, Finance and many others.

Contact me to find out more

Course curriculum

01 How To navigate this course

How to use this course platform

02 Introduction

Why Rapid Trait Profiling

Test Your People Reading skills

Bring it all together before you start

03 Module 1 - First Impressions are Crucial

Resource download for Module 1

How to put them at immediate ease

How to use the downloadable resource with this and the other modules

04 Module 2 - Delivering The Right Information

Resource download for Module 2

How information is enough or too much information

05 Module 3 - Dealing With Confidence

Resource download for Module 3

Keeping them confident and connected

06 Module 4 - Keeping Their Attention part 1

Resource download for Module 4

Holding their focus

07 Module 5 - Keeping Their Attention part 2

Resource download for Module 5

Dealing with shifting focus

08 Module 6 - Delivering Information In The Right Order

Resource download for Module 6

Knowing how they process information

09 Module 7 - Thought Processing Styles

Resource download for Module 7

Giving single or multiple options

10 Module 8 - Dealing With The Fussy Client

Resource download for Module 8

Recognising who is fussy and who is more laid back

11 Bringing It All Together

Quiz Tips

Quiz 1

Course Wrap Up

Instructor Bio:

You Instructor

Alan Stevens is an International Profiling and Communications Specialist.

He is regularly featured on National TV, Radio and in the World's Press, profiling the likes of our leading politicians, TV and sports stars as well as Britain's Royalty.

He is an Amazon #1 Best Selling Author, a Coach and Trainer. He's been referred to as the leading authority on reading people, globally by the UK Guardian and the mentalist meets Dr Phil by the Herald.

Alan help people make sense of their life and their relationships; helping them enhance their relationships through meaningful communications.

He works with Businesses, Health Professionals, Teachers, Coaches and Parents, all with a unique form of Rapid Trait Profiling.

These advanced Personality and Character Assessments utilising Interdependent Visual Profiling to enhance communication skills in the workplace, in business and the home, as well as negotiation skills to boost sales and reduce workplace conflicts.

With international clients, the likes of Disney Films and Gillette, high profile organisations like the Austrilian Federal Police, and the number of personal profiles running into the thousands, Alan's services are unique and unrivalled in the field of reading people.

Alan Steven

International Profiling and Communications Specialist


“As a mindset coach, I work with individuals and corporations to help them understand how to move from a fixed to a growth mindset. I wanted to know more about what makes people tick, which is why I took Alan’s course.

To be able to better communicate with potential and existing clients. I run workshops globally and Alan’s skills have helped me to connect with my audience instantly. I found reading people this way absolutely powerful! ”

Peak Performance Mindset Coach & Emotional Intelligence Educator

Georgia Ellis

“I had the privilege and the honour of studying under Alan Stevens. At first, I was a bit sceptical, but learning under Alan opened my eyes to the ability to expand on my communication techniques.

It's an ability to build quicker trust and human connection, which is the keys to success. And if you get a chance to learn under Alan, please take that opportunity.

It will enhance your communication and excel your level of personal and professional success. ”

Cosmetics Implant Dentist, Certified High-Performance Coach, NLP Business Leadership and Communications Coach

Dr Kinnar Shah

From those who have completed the course



James Short

"Alan, I did this course with you face2face last year and was blown away by how quick I could implement these strategies and the impact it made. Now going through this online, seems you are there in the room again. The in-depth knowledge that you go into is incredible, yet so simple. This course really cemented my learning. I highly recommend this course for any business owner, sales manager and customer service team that deal with people daily. It helps to go deeper in ways to communicate and and how to connect quicker and meaningful. Alan, thanks once again!!!"


Brendan Rogers

"I have spend a lot portion of my teenage and adult life leading teams - both on the sporting field and in the corporate world. This online course provides you with immediate skills to build instant rapport with people. I have completed many personality test which can all be very useful. The fundamental difference between a personality test and the skills that Alan teaches is, you can get an understanding of a person in a matter of second - all some key facial features. The facts say that when you first meet someone, they decide in the first 7 seconds whether they like you or not. There are no second chances to create a first impression! This course gives you the skills to be ahead of the curve in the area of 'relationship building' and 'instant rapport'. In my opinion, his course is must for everyone, especially given 'strong relationships' are the conerstone of a happy and fulfilling life. Thank you for the work you do Alan - it is changing lifes"


Andrew McLaren

"The knowledge I got from this course is like reading minds. By using the method that Alan teaches I can instantly pick out eight characteristics of a person that will enable me modify my approach to get the maximum benefit form the conversation. I can put a person at ease, and easily create an instant rapport. I am looking forward to what else I can learn from Alan"


Debra Fraser

"Understanding people is an important part of being in business. From building relastionship through networking to employing and keeping great employees. This course is easy to understand and can be use straight away in your busisness. The insights about people you learn in this course will change the way you do business. Another bunos is it can be completed in bit size pieces at times that you suite your schedule. (Very important for busy sme's!)"


Clyde Gonsalvez

"Absolutely love it! If you are in sales, relating to people is a must. This course helps you relate to new clients before you even meet them. What an advantage! Highly recommend"


Kellie Williams

"Wow! Defiantly a very handy skill to have in the day to day. I love the practicality of being more aware of how to approach certain conversations with people by understanding them a little better. I have really enjoyed going through the course and and love the fact I can go back and watch the videos again. With each new trait it's interesting how it layers on top of the others..."


Alan Turvey

"I am very happy with this course. When I first saw Alan do some face reading I was impressed but now I know there is a system and can myself read people based on the traits covered. It is great to have a systematic way to understand traits that people may have. Looking forward to doing more and practicing more. "


Nicque Misa-Richards

"I found the course to be well-paced and full of concise, interesting and relevant information to transfer to all areas of my life. I love what you do Alan and can't wait to learn more and start profiling people. "



"So useful and powerful to be able to quickly read the clues on how to make people more comfortable in a conversation. Make the most of first impression by knowing how you look and how best to answer question in a way the person asking will relate. Worth doing every year as a refresher and I love that this is possible - thank you. I loved being able to do a module, go away and come back to the next module, thank you. Worth doing every year as a refresher and I love that this is possible - thank you. I loved being able to do a module, go away and come back to the next module - fits the learning into a busy schedule easily. "


Eva Hong

"I have uncertainly related this course and at the same time, I was really enthusiastic. In conclusion, this course is absolutely interesting. It show just the pick of the iceberg that I would like to discover and I will soon. I highly recommend doing the course to start to understand how the face can help you to understand better other persons. However, get ready to practice a lot because this course is showing you the tool, the effort is fully between your hands. It would be amazing exercises that allow you to become accurate and good analyzer with comments and hints. Wish you a wonderful day, Eva."


Daniel Thompson

"This simple yet jammed packed course is a great starting point for reading people and understanding what makes them tick. Alan is fantastic. I will defiantly be doing more work with him in the future."

Recognised Achievements

© Copyright The Science and Art of Reading People 2024